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Menus & Nutrition
Nourish to florish
We believe that eating meals together is an important part of a child’s social development.
At Bumpsa Daisies, we offer breakfast, a hot lunch consisting of a main meal and desert and tea in the afternoon.
Talking is encouraged to develop social interactions and turn taking.
Fresh fruit, salad and vegetables are served at meal times and during two snack times throughout the day.
A light tea is served for those children who stay until 6.00pm.
Nursery 4 weekly menus

The Eatwell Guide shows the proportions in which different types of foods are needed to have a well-balanced and healthy diet. The proportions shown are representative of your food consumption over the period of a day or even a week, not necessarily each meal time.
A resource for and carers to use at home with helpful tips on weaning and a timeline to help with the process showing what might be happening at different stages between the ages of 6-12+ months
Fruit and veg make the best snacks and count towards your 5 A Day. Here are some top tips for snack time.
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